After moving some classes around, Thakeham Primary School wanted to create different zones in some unused space tot he rear of the building. The existing area consisted of a patch of grass covered with brambles and there was a shed right in the middle of the useable area. This backed onto the neighbouring secondary school and there was a need to create some privacy and shelter for the mall children.

We set to work creating a space for the year 1 & 2’s first of all – we proposed an area which created a continuous provision of learning. Sand, water and mud all catered for with a large shelter and mulch surfacing to allow all weather play. We surrounded the area with Hazel Hurdles to create privacy whilst allowing light through.

The second area, outside Year 3 and 4 was to be left much more natural, but provide a space for sitting quietly – so we provided picnic benches under the shade of the trees.

The final area requiring a revamp was a flower bed, over grown with brambles and unused – we were asked if we could make the area into an outdoor classroom and after a bit of head scratching we created a bespoke deck to hold the 6m x 3 m shelter with polycarbonate roof. Adding the free standing benches and tables gives the children somewhere to sit whilst learning. The shelter is designed not only to protect against the rain but also provide some much need protection from the heat of the sun.