There have been many studies over the years and the evidence is over whelming; regular exercise is key to reducing the risk of major illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

Further to this, regular exercise has lots of health benefits for children and young people, such as:

  • improving fitness
  • providing an opportunity to socialise
  • increasing concentration
  • improving academic scores
  • building a stronger heart, bones and healthier muscles
  • encouraging healthy growth and development
  • improving self-esteem
  • improving posture and balance
  • lowering stress
  • encouraging a better night’s sleep

Research indicates that inactive children are more likely to become inactive adults, making it even more important to encourage exercise and keeping fit from a young age!

Children are more likely to want to take part if they enjoy the activity which can vary hugely from child to child. Encouraging children to get active through play has been found to be a successful method. This can be through traditional sports games such as Football or Netball or through play time breaks during the school day.

Students who are active during the school day have reported higher levels of happiness and self-worth. Which supports the theory that exercise helps with brain development!

Other Benefits:

  • Improved concentration
  • Better recall
  • Release anxiety & stress
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Develop & nurture social skills
  • Make new friends

Children are naturally fun-loving and vivacious creatures – all we need to do is make physical activity accessible for all!