Climbing is one of the first things we do as babies, it’s a natural instinct to explore our surroundings. It can be daunting for some children, who may not feel quite so confident in their ability, so providing children with the opportunity to clamber and climb is crucial in their personal development.

There are so many benefits:

  • Physical development: upper body strength, increased muscle tone
  • Gross & Fine motor skill development
  • Cognitive development: problem solving & information processing
  • Decision-making skills
  • Gaining confidence in their own ability
  • Supports sensory growth
  • Physical activity reduces the risk of serious health conditions

By providing a play space designed to encourage climbing, safe risk taking and social interaction we can really encourage children to climb and reach beyond their expectations.

There are some great traditional pieces of play equipment which can be found in parks all over the country such as Monkey Bars, Climbing Walls and Net Climbers; all excellent foundations for development in assessing risk and decision-making. See our Pico range of Log Climbers for more great climbing solutions.

Don’t forget there are endless opportunities to climb in nature too! Sand dunes, rocks, trees, fallen logs, grassy hills – all which encourage confidence building, development of core strength and physical fitness.

As a play company we can mimic these experiences in some of our equipment, to encourage extra practice while at school or visiting the local playground.