
Flexipave is a 50/50 mix of recycled rubber derived from vehicle tyres, and natural stone aggregate. The dry elements are bound using a unique and exclusive binding agent.

The use of recycled vehicle tyres within the material makes Flexipave extremely eco-friendly. With carbon reduction targets a huge factor in project developments, Flexipave is well-positioned to assist with hitting those milestones.


Flexipave is an innovative surfacing solution made from a 50/50 mix of recycled rubber and natural stone aggregate. The dry elements are bound with a unique agent, creating a durable and eco-friendly surface.

The use of recycled vehicle tyres makes Flexipave an environmentally conscious choice. It helps reduce carbon footprints and supports sustainability goals. Perfect for various applications, Flexipave is ideal for projects with carbon reduction targets. This versatile material provides a strong, resilient surface, helping meet green building standards and environmental milestones.

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