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  • sensory & social interaction

What is Sensory Play?

21st December 2023|

Sensory Play involves activities that engage the senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste—helping children explore and understand their surroundings. Beyond being fun, sensory play enhances learning by stimulating multiple senses simultaneously, which makes the learning [...]

  • sensory

Mud, glorious MUD!

14th August 2023|

Most children love getting dirty and love mud! Research shows it’s actually good for their health and mental well-being! The soil outside is rich with friendly microorganisms that help train the immune system, building resilience [...]

Benefits of Imaginative Play

12th October 2022|

Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge," and we agree. Imaginative play plays a key role in child development, offering numerous benefits. Here are five main advantages of encouraging imaginative play: 1. Develops [...]