Sensory Play involves activities that engage the senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste—helping children explore and understand their surroundings. Beyond being fun, sensory play enhances learning by stimulating multiple senses simultaneously, which makes the learning process more effective. This approach is especially beneficial for children in Early Years and those with Special Educational Needs.

Benefits of Sensory Play

  • Understanding Cause and Effect: Helps children learn how their actions impact their environment.
  • Brain Development: Supports memory, complex tasks, and problem-solving skills.
  • Fine Motor Skills: Develops through tactile play.
  • Language Skills: Encourages verbal expression and communication.
  • Observational Skills: Enhances ability to notice details.
  • Creative Thinking: Fosters independent and imaginative thinking.
  • Emotional Regulation: Provides calming effects that help manage anger and anxiety.

Fun Sensory Activities

For Babies:

  • Blowing bubbles on their skin.
  • Scrunching paper to engage hearing and sight.
  • Creating a treasure blanket with varied textures, colors, and smells.

For Toddlers and Preschoolers:

  • Exploring light and shadows with a torch.
  • Mixing paint colors.
  • Engaging in finger or sponge painting.
  • Making shapes and patterns with sand.
  • Playing musical instruments.
  • Going on sensory walks.

Outdoor sensory play can be especially enriching, as natural settings encourage the use of multiple senses without overwhelming children. For instance, sensory gardens are increasingly popular in schools, providing a calm space for children to process sensory input. A sensory garden might include:

  • Edible plants
  • Mirrors
  • Sandpits
  • Water features
  • Scented plants
  • Play sculptures
  • Engraved seating
  • Rain wheels
  • Whiteboards
  • Tracing boards
  • Drums
  • Chalkboards

Explore our range of Sensory Play products on our website or in our Play for All brochure. We also design bespoke sensory gardens and play equipment tailored to your setting’s needs, ensuring inclusivity and enhancing the learning experience for all children.